How do I register to use MIT OpenCourseWare?
There’s no registration and no enrollment to use OCW. It's all open! You can skim through courses, read pages, watch videos, download any files—all without registration, anytime, anywhere.
Can I get credit or certification for learning with MIT OpenCourseWare?
OCW does not offer any degree, credit, or certification. For MIT online courses with certificates of completion, visit:
- MITx Online/MITx on edX
- MITx MicroMasters
- MIT Bootcamps
- MIT Management / Sloan Executive Education
For questions about these programs, please contact them directly.
Why doesn't every MIT OpenCourseWare course offer video lectures?
We know that video lectures are important. In recent years, OCW has substantially increased its video content. However, the high cost of video production means we can only provide video for some of the courses we publish. Your financial support can help fund more video content.
Can you suggest a sequence of courses to study?
To see what courses MIT requires for its degree programs, refer to the MIT curriculum guide and individual department and program websites. Please note that OCW cannot offer degrees or course credit.
How do I get a copy of the course pack or readings for a particular course?
The course packs or reading materials used in many MIT courses contain proprietary and copyrighted work that MIT faculty and students are only permitted to use within their classrooms. OCW cannot provide these materials under our license. Your local library may be able to help you find free copies of these works.
I have more questions... Please feel free to CONTACT US if your questions have not been answered in these help pages, and a member of the team will get back to you!